Reception Spring Term 1

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 1:38pm

Wow, where has time gone? The children in Reception have had another amazing half term of learning through play, exploring new resources and becoming an integrated part of the school. The children have enjoyed, baking, talking about celebrations such as Chinese New Year and our families and developing friendships. The children have also really enjoyed dancing with Nicola from Rhinos.

We have spent a week thinking about E-safety and the importance of asking a grown up for help if we are unsure about anything when using tablets, computers or other devices. The children have listened to some lovely stories that cover the importance of staying safe online and have worked in small groups to act out different scenarios and help their friends.

In phonics and literacy, the children have been focusing on recognising digraphs and have been working hard on their letter formation when writing words and sentences. They all continue to try so hard and it is a joy to watch them grow in confidence each and every day.

The children are challenging themselves when reading in school and love sharing their reading books at home. Thank you for your continued support with this. We are asking that you try to hear your child read at least three times a week and leave a comment in the yellow reading record. Please return your child’s reading book to school every Wednesday and we will send a new one out every Friday.

The children have continued to work hard in maths. This half term we have covered adding, subtracting and sharing with numbers to 10 and beyond. We are encouraging the children to count objects reliably up to ten and develop the skills of counting objects to 20 (and beyond). We are really proud of how the children engage during our carpet sessions and then independently access their own learning through our provision.

Next half term we will be thinking about Fairy Tales and story language. The children will be working in groups to retell the stories. If you have any fairy tales at home, please share them with your children over the holidays.

I have settled in very well and am thoroughly enjoying teaching here -  I feel like I  have been here for years. This is a credit to you, your children and of course the wonderful staff at our school. Thank you.

Have a lovely half term holiday.