Governance Statement 2024/2025

In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all governing bodies, the 3 core strategic functions of a Primary School Governing Body are:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; 
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governance Arrangements
The Governing Body of Yeadon Westfield Infant School is made up of a total of 12 Governors (including the head teacher): 1 staff Governor, 3 elected Parent Governors (currently full), 1 Local Authority Governor, currently vacant), 2 Foundation/Trust Governors and 4 Co-opted governors. Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body and are people who, in the opinion of the governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

The full Governing Body meets 6 times per year and during these meetings, we consider the different aspects of the school in detail. These topics include; Resources where we focus on finance, premises and some personnel matters; Teaching and Learning where we look at the curriculum, school performance and data. Once a year we establish a Head Teacher Performance Management Sub Committee to review the performance of the headteacher against a set of objectives. We also have other ad-hoc committees that meet if required to consider specific issues.

Attendance record of governors
Overall Governors have good attendance at full Governing Body meetings and we have never cancelled a meeting because it was not “quorate” (the number of governors needed to ensure that legal decisions can be made) ensuring our statutory responsibilities are met.

The work that we have done in the governing body
We are focused on delivering the objectives set out in the school development plan and looking at Governor development. The five main themes of the school development plan are Quality of Education, Behaviour & Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership & Management and Early Years. 

Following a review of 2023-24, key successes include:

  • Value-added progress is evident from our starting points
  • The curriculum is well thought through and ambitious
  • In a safeguarding audit carried out by the local authority, staff training was viewed as exemplary
  • Parental engagement is strong
  • Continued work within the Trust to develop external moderation of teaching assessment and improve overall teaching and learning
  • The continued development of curriculum subject leaders and linked Governor curriculum leads
  • A focus on the health and emotional well-being of children, staff and parents
  • Continuing to raise the profile of governors through the newsletter.

Key challenges have included;

  • a rise in the number of persistent absentees
  • gender gaps in attainment in maths
  • falling rolls and budget constraints

Recently Health and Safety and Safeguarding Audits have been completed on the premises to ensure we comply with policy and legislation. 

The Governing Body has also reviewed and approved several school policies which is a key role.

Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are public documents, and you can ask at the school office if you would like to see any of the minutes of our meetings.

The nominated Governor for Safeguarding, Carly Scargill, has provided a termly report to the governors about any safeguarding matters

Future plans for the governors
The key focus areas for the 2024/25 academic year are:

  • continuing to build on the success of the new phonics scheme – Success for All and ensure it is used consistently
  • continue to develop the role of subject leaders to ensure a whole school approach
  • ensuring we have the right strategies and systems in place to manage the needs of all children especially those with specific needs
  • continuing to implement our positive behaviour system to maintain consistency across the school and high standards of behaviour across the school day
  • developing our early years’ provision to address the impacts of falling numbers
  • ensuring that governors visit our school often to see our plans in action and that they have the necessary skills & knowledge to be successful
  • ensuring good mental health support is available across the whole school community
  • a continued focus on term time absence and late arrival at school

We have also set aspirational targets to get more children working at greater depth rather than at the expected standard.

The Governing Body will also have some specific objectives within a Governing Body Development Plan which will include continuing to raise the profile and accessibility of the Governing Body, supporting the Head and staff in raising further attainment levels across the school and their Continued Professional Development by taking advantage of training opportunities. 

How you can contact the governing body
We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents – please contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Stainton, via the school office. You can see the full list of governors; their attendance at meetings; minutes of governing body meetings and more information about what we do, on the Governors’ page of the school website.