We take our role in safeguarding your children very seriously.
Please read our Safeguarding Statement below:-
Safeguarding – Keeping Children Healthy and Safe from Harm
We would like to share school policies and practices with regards to ensuring that children are taught and encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices.
School policies are in place to ensure that there is a consistent approach to practice throughout the school and that they are adhered to by staff, governors and volunteers. Adults have a tremendous impact on young children and with this in mind adults at Yeadon Westfield Infant School:
- are good role models for children
- enjoy their work and working with children
- are conscientious and hard-working
- welcome and support visitors to school
- recognise and value strengths in each other and use these to support everyone
- work within the agreed policies of the school
- promote a happy, caring and safe school
- encourage children to think for themselves, ask questions and find answers
- create an environment of trust whereby children are trusted to work seriously
- challenge and support children in their learning.
There are numerous policies in place to safeguard our children and they include:
- Child Protection – this is a sensitive area in which all staff receive regular training. School and other services for children and families all work together to support the needs of children. There is also a named governor for child protection. The child protection policy is available on the website.
- Attendance – children’s attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis and notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up by the Inclusion Worker and in more serious cases the Attendance Strategy Team. The school prides itself on its very good attendance figures.
- Behaviour – high standards of behaviour are expected in school. However, as we all know children do fall out from time to time. Where this is the case, it is dealt with sensitively by an adult who gives both children time to explain what the problem is and helps the issue to be resolved. Children are often reminded about our school rules and they know that we have them in order fro everyone to be happy and keep safe.
- Health and safety - everyone here at Yeadon Westfield Infant School knows they have a responsibility to ensure children and adults are able to work in a healthy and safe environment. The school has fully trained paediatric first aid members of staff who deal with accidents should they occur.
- Curriculum – through the planned curriculum we ensure that the issues of healthy eating, physical exercise and safety are taught. This aspect is enhanced by the many visitors to school, eg police officers who talk to the children about issues such as road safety and safe people
- Safer recruitment and selection – this aspect is taken very seriously. Governors and the school ensure that all staff new to the school and volunteers who work unsupervised in school on a regular basis undertake a DBS check and full references are required before the person takes up post.
- Complaints – should parents have any complaints; the school staff will listen to concerns and will follow up any issues arising. There is a clear procedure in place. The head teacher will always be happy to meet and help resolve any issues. The school is committed to working closely with parents / carers for the benefit of the children. Remember no problem is too small and can often be prevented from becoming a bigger issue. If an issue has not been resolved then contact is made with the complaints committee of the governing body.
You can read these in more detail below and on the Policies page of our website.
We all know that children thrive better and can reach their full potential when school and families work closely together. All of us here at Yeadon Westfield Infant School are totally committed to this.
Dawn Lowry
Head Teacher
Contact Information
Should you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of children at Yeadon Westfield Infant School, please contact a member of the Safeguarding team via the school office on 0113 2505449. Our designated Safeguarding Officers are Ms Lowry and Mrs Fryer.
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Dawn Lowry |
Jane Fryer |
Children's social work services:
Practitioners can contact Duty and Advice on 0113 376 0336
Members of the public should call the Contact Centre on 0113 222 4403
Immediate danger or risk of significant harm in an emergency call 999
For further contact information, please visit our Useful Websites and Telephone Numbers page.