
When children first come into school and are in Foundation, they are assessed to find out about their learning so far. This tells us what the children can do and helps us to plan the next steps in their learning. In addition the assessment helps us to recognise the stage of social and emotional development a child has reached, as this can have a significant effect upon learning.In Foundation, children are assessed using the Early Learning Goals and Development Matters.

Throughout their time in school the children are assessed and tested in various ways. The children are not put under pressure or made to feel uncomfortable. Assessment is an integral part of everyday learning and teaching, and is therefore not presented as anything unusual or frightening. This ongoing assessment helps the teachers to plan the curriculum in a way that will move the children forward in their learning. Targets for learning will be shared with your child and yourself.

In year one the children undertake the National Phonics Screening check which gives an accurate picture of their phonic knowledge and helps us to plan next steps in their learning.The current Y1 will be assessed using the following: beginning, developing, secure and exceeding at Stage 1. Exceptional pupils may be assessed at Stage 2.

During the last year at our school, when the children are seven or will be seven that academic year, they will be assessed using the Standard Assessment Tests and Tasks - better known as SAT’s. Teachers will use these as well as their own judgement and knowledge of your child’s learning to tell you the level your child has reached at the end of Key Stage 1, before s/he moves to the Juniors (key stage 2) An average seven year old is expected to reach Level 2. From 2016 assessment at the end of KS1 will be carried out in a different way.

We hold Parents Evenings so you can discuss the results of the various assessments and the progress your child is making. Annual Reports are sent home for every child during the Summer Term. If you have any questions about your child’s progress please do not feel you have to wait until Parents’ Evening to discuss your concerns. We are always available to talk with you at a mutually convenient time.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.